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Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Most of you guys heard about the AMALAYER LRT incident. I will not mention the girl’s name.
I’m not tolerating her actions; I’m not saying that what she did was completely acceptable. But I really feel bad for her. I can’t imagine myself in her position, having her video circulated in the web without her consent. Being bullied here and there.

I’m not washing my hands here. In fact I also tweeted about the #AMALAYER trend simply because I really found it funny. But when I came to realize and to think clearly she is just also a victim here. Not of miscommunication, not of the Lady Guard but a victim of her temper.

The Amalayer girl is a victim of her temper. We don’t know the story; we don’t know her or her reasons. Maybe someone close to her is already on a 50-50 condition and she has to be there before it’s too late. Maybe she was late in school and missing that subject will result to her failure. Maybe I’m just exaggerating but you get my point.

We all have our UGH moments. Being ill-tempered and losing our cool in a public place. Come on, let’s be real. Kahit kayo din naman kung makapag English pag galit akala mo kung sino. Minsan mas maarte pa sa pagkakasabi nya ng “I’m just doing you a flaavver.” At minsan mas OA pa sa “Oh my God Kuya” hawak sa mukha, clap your hands and assume the “Iron man about to fly” position. (OK that’s my favorite part)

I’m not taking sides here. I’m not washing my hands. I’m not tolerating the action. These are just my thoughts. Un Lang. Let this be a lesson to all of us. Not just for Amalayer, but for everyone of us who participated in this trend. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Did Curiosity Really Killed the Cat?

Whoever said that curiosity killed the cat must have forgotten than the cat has nine lives. It can be curious 8 times of its life before it dies.

Maybe it’s not curiosity that killed the cat. It’s the saturation of the cat to satisfy its curiosity that killed it. And there it goes its ninth life. We cannot necessarily make a comparison of one person’s life decision based on a cat’s curiosity. So my theory is that. Curiosity didn't kill the cat. What happens after the cat got curious… killed it. And it wasn't good. It was brutish, painful, and restless.

I just mindfucked you. As I have also mindfucked myself. Just don’t mind me. Me and my randomness.

Unspoken Noise and Deafening silence

Hey guys, it’s been a very long time since I last updated my blog. Maybe I’m not really into blogging but I still keep a day-to-day journal handy. (The old traditional pen and paper type)  I can’t sleep and the urge to blog hit me so let’s end this lame introduction and move on…

Before going to sleep, as I lay down the bed, stare at the ceiling, and hear the calmness of my breath and beating of my heart… questions hit me. Questions that I’m afraid to ask simply because I already know the answers.

Questions of the past that we’re afraid will hunt us. Questions of the present that will define our past. Questions of the future that will re-evaluate our present. It doesn't really make sense. But things don’t always have to make sense.

Emotional outburst and Petty thoughts. I can’t really put them into words.